In advance of submission of a planning application, Avant Homes and Eldridge Developments are holding a series of drop-in public consultation events. The first of these is taking place as follows:
Tuesday 28 January 2025
Drop-in anytime between 2.30pm and 6.30pm
St. Benedict’s Church
755 Westerhouse Road, Easterhouse, Glasgow G34 9RP
Online Feedback Form - Click HERE.
Avant Homes (Scotland) Ltd and Eldridge Developments Ltd are in the process of preparing a full planning application for residential development of land off Lochend Road, Easterhouse, Glasgow.
The site is an allocated housing site within Glasgow City Council’s adopted Local Development Plan (“City Development Plan”, March 2017) under site ref. H116.
Exhibition boards providing further details about the site and the proposals can be downloaded below.
The current proposed site plan is shown below:
Key features of our proposed development include:
• Deliver 249 high quality, well designed and energy efficient houses, on an allocated residential development site, to assist in meeting identified local housing need;
• An inclusive and accessible development offering a range of 2, 3, 4 and 5 bed terraced, semi-detached and detached dwellings, designed to meet the needs of all including young and growing families, first time buyers and downsizers;
• The proposals will deliver a significant amount of high-quality public open space, incorporating equipped play area, and areas for informal play. In addition to a network of paths through and around the site, including the provision of a link to the local nature reserve and wider Easterhouse to the south.
• The proposals respect the existing Site of Importance to Nature Conservation (SINC) within the site boundary, providing a landscape buffer between it and any proposed development. Your views on the potential for this area to become an extension to the existing Local Nature Reserve are sought as part of this public consultation.
• The proposals also include significant biodiversity enhancement, through the planting of 262 new native trees, hedgerows, and varied areas of parkland/wetland meadow and species rich grassland.
• The proposals have been carefully designed to complement the surrounding landscape and existing built form within the local area, whilst offering a variety of housing options to meet the needs of a diverse range of potential homeowners;
• As well as being highly insulated, the proposed new homes include zero and low-carbon technologies such as wastewater heat recovery, Solar Photovoltaic panels (Solar PV) and electric vehicle charging points.
The proposals have been informed by a suite of technical and environmental surveys and assessments, covering ground conditions, ecology, archaeology, transport, air quality, and flood risk and drainage.
All supporting technical information underpinning the scheme will be publicly available at the time the planning application is submitted to Glasgow City Council as the local Planning Authority.
To find out more about the proposals or to ask a question please contact us using the details below:
Planning – Scotland, Avant Homes, 1 Lochside Avenue, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9DJ
T: 0131 563 4180
Avant Homes are committed to engaging with the local community about the development and would like to hear your views on the current proposals. As part of our consultation, we would welcome and encourage you to share your views and comments so that we can carefully consider all views and, where appropriate and practicable, incorporate these into the final scheme.
Once you have reviewed our proposals, if you wish to make comments we ask that you do so no later than 7 February 2025. There are a number of ways in which you can make your views known:
1. Complete our online feedback questionnaire here. Alternatively, if you would prefer to post your comments, you can download a feedback form below.
2. In writing to: Planning - Scotland, Avant Homes, 1 Lochside Avenue, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9DJ.
3. Use the feedback form below to submit your feedback.
4. By email to: [email protected]
Please note that all comments made as part of this public consultation are not representations to the planning authority. If a planning application is subsequently submitted, there will be an opportunity to make representations on that application to the planning authority.
Any personal information received through the planning application process will only be used for communications between Avant Homes (Scotland) Limited and Eldridge Developments Limited and yourself, unless agreed otherwise with you. A copy of our privacy policy can be viewed at: https://www.avanthomes.co.uk/privacy-policy